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pyrotation module

This file is part of the pyrotation python module, which is designed to help teaching and learning the math of 3D rotation. This file contains the core class and functions of 3D rotation.

Author: Duo Lu

Version: 0.1 License: MIT

Updated on Jan. 28, 2020, version 0.1

Created on Mar 22, 2019, draft

The MIT License

Copyright 2017-2021 Duo Lu <>

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.



The class representing a quaternion in Hamiltonian convention.

!!! note "The Quaternion object is designed to be immutable after construction."

__init__(self, w, x, y, z) special

Constructor, wchich expects the four components of a quaternion.

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def __init__(self, w, x, y, z):
    Constructor, wchich expects the four components of a quaternion. 


    self.w = float(w)
    self.x = float(x)
    self.y = float(y)
    self.z = float(z)

add_quaternion(self, q)

Quaternion addition.

NOTE: Do not use this when dealing with unit quaternion, since unit quaterion is not closed under addition.

NOTE: A new quaternion object is returned as the result. This quaternion is not changed.

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def add_quaternion(self, q):
    Quaternion addition.

    NOTE: Do not use this when dealing with unit quaternion, since unit
    quaterion is not closed under addition.

    NOTE: A new quaternion object is returned as the result. This 
    quaternion is not changed.


    w_add = self.w + q.w
    x_add = self.x + q.x
    y_add = self.y + q.y
    z_add = self.z + q.z

    return Quaternion(w_add, x_add, y_add, z_add)

angle_axis_to_quaternion(u) staticmethod

Convert an angle-axis representation of a 3D rotation to a unit quaternion. This is essentially the exponential map.

This function is only for internal usage. Please use the following instead when it is needed to do this conversion.

q = Quaternion.construct_from_angle_axis(u)

See Joan Solà, "Quaternion Kinematics", section 2.4, eqation (101).

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def angle_axis_to_quaternion(u):
    Convert an angle-axis representation of a 3D rotation to a unit 
    quaternion. This is essentially the exponential map.

    This function is only for internal usage. Please use the following 
    instead when it is needed to do this conversion.

        q = Quaternion.construct_from_angle_axis(u)

    See Joan Solà, "Quaternion Kinematics", section 2.4, eqation (101).


    angle = np.linalg.norm(u)

    if angle < EPSILON:

        w = 1.0
        x = 0.0
        y = 0.0
        z = 0.0


        u = u / angle

        w = cos(angle / 2)
        s = sin(angle / 2)

        x = u[0] * s
        y = u[1] * s
        z = u[2] * s

    return w, x, y, z


Return the conjugate of this quaternion.

Notation: q* is q.conjugate()

NOTE: A new quaternion object is returned as the result. This quaternion is not changed.

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def conjugate(self):
    Return the conjugate of this quaternion.

    Notation: q* is q.conjugate()

    NOTE: A new quaternion object is returned as the result. This 
    quaternion is not changed.


    return Quaternion(self.w, -self.x, -self.y, -self.z)

construct_from_angle_axis(u) classmethod

Construct a quaternion from angle-axis representation of a rotation.

This is essentially the exponential map.

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def construct_from_angle_axis(cls, u):
    Construct a quaternion from angle-axis representation of a rotation.

    This is essentially the exponential map.


    w, x, y, z = cls.angle_axis_to_quaternion(u)
    q = cls(w, x, y, z)
    q = q.normalize()

    return q

construct_from_rotation_matrix(R) classmethod

Construct a quaternion from a rotation matrix.

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def construct_from_rotation_matrix(cls, R):
    Construct a quaternion from a rotation matrix.


    w, x, y, z = cls.rotation_matrix_to_quaternion(R)
    q = cls(w, x, y, z)
    #q = q.normalize()

    return q

differentiate_local(q1, q2, timestep) classmethod

Given two quaternions representing two poses q1 and q2, and assuming q2 is derived by a rotation from the first psoe q1 during a timestep, this method returns the angular speed (i.e., omega) of the local reference frame respect to pose q1.

This is exactly the inverse of integrate_local().

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def differentiate_local(cls, q1, q2, timestep):
    Given two quaternions representing two poses q1 and q2, and assuming q2
    is derived by a rotation from the first psoe q1 during a timestep,
    this method returns the angular speed (i.e., omega) of the local
    reference frame respect to pose q1.

    This is exactly the inverse of integrate_local().

    delta_q = q1.conjugate().multiply_quaternion(q2)

    u = delta_q.to_angle_axis()

    omega = u / timestep

    return omega

identity() classmethod

Return the identity unit quaternion (1, 0, 0, 0).

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def identity(cls):
    Return the identity unit quaternion (1, 0, 0, 0).


    return cls(1, 0, 0, 0)

integrate_local(q, omega, timestep) classmethod

Integrate instantanious angular velocity (i.e., omega) to the quaternion q during the timestep. The result is also a quaternion.

Note that the angular velocity is measured relative to the pose represented by this quaternion, i.e., consider the current pose is this quaternion and omega is measured by a gyroscope. Anguler velocity is in rad/sec, and timestep is in sec.

Note that we use zeroth-order backward integration.

See Joan Solà, "Quanternion Kinematics", section 4.6.

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def integrate_local(cls, q, omega, timestep):
    Integrate instantanious angular velocity (i.e., omega) to the
    quaternion q during the timestep. The result is also a quaternion.

    Note that the angular velocity is measured relative to the pose
    represented by this quaternion, i.e., consider the current pose
    is this quaternion and omega is measured by a gyroscope. Anguler
    velocity is in rad/sec, and timestep is in sec.

    Note that we use zeroth-order backward integration. 

    See Joan Solà, "Quanternion Kinematics", section 4.6.

    u = omega * timestep

    delta_q = cls.construct_from_angle_axis(u)

    p = q.multiply_quaternion(delta_q)

    return p

interpolate(q0, q1, t) classmethod

Spherical linear interpolation (SLERP) given two orientations represented by the quaternion q0 and q1, and interpolation parameter t in [0, 1], such that the orientation will continuously change from q0 to q1 by rotating along a fixed axis when t changes.

See Joan Solà, "Quanternion Kinematics", section 2.7.

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def interpolate(cls, q0, q1, t):
    Spherical linear interpolation (SLERP) given two orientations
    represented by the quaternion q0 and q1, and interpolation parameter
    t in [0, 1], such that the orientation will continuously change from
    q0 to q1 by rotating along a fixed axis when t changes.

    See Joan Solà, "Quanternion Kinematics", section 2.7.


    if t == 0:

        return q0

    elif t == 1:

        return q1

    elif t > 0 and t < 1:

        delta_q = q0.conjugate().multiply_quaternion(q1)

        u = delta_q.to_angle_axis()

        qut = cls.construct_from_angle_axis(u * t)

        qt = q0.multiply_quaternion(qut)

        return qt


        err_str = 'Interpolation parameter t must be in [0, 1], ' \
            'while t = %f !' % t

        raise ValueError(err_str)


Return the inverse of this quaternion.

Notation: q-1 is q.inverse()

NOTE: A new quaternion object is returned as the result. This quaternion is not changed.

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def inverse(self):
    Return the inverse of this quaternion.

    Notation: q-1 is q.inverse()

    NOTE: A new quaternion object is returned as the result. This 
    quaternion is not changed.


    w = self.w
    x = self.x
    y = self.y
    z = self.z

    a = 1 / (w * w + x * x + y * y + z * z)

    return Quaternion(self.w * a, -self.x * a, -self.y * a, -self.z * a)

multiply_quaternion(self, q)

Quaternion multiplication.

Notation: r = p x q is r = p.multiply_quaternion(q), where "x" is quaternion multiplication.

NOTE: A new quaternion object is returned as the result. This quaternion is not changed.

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def multiply_quaternion(self, q):
    Quaternion multiplication.

    Notation: r = p x q is r = p.multiply_quaternion(q), 
    where "x" is quaternion multiplication.

    NOTE: A new quaternion object is returned as the result. This 
    quaternion is not changed.


    if not isinstance(q, Quaternion):

        raise 'Can not multiply non-quaternion! q=%s' % repr(q)

    pw = self.w
    px = self.x
    py = self.y
    pz = self.z

    qw = q.w
    qx = q.x
    qy = q.y
    qz = q.z

    w_mul = pw * qw - px * qx - py * qy - pz * qz
    x_mul = pw * qx + px * qw + py * qz - pz * qy
    y_mul = pw * qy - px * qz + py * qw + pz * qx
    z_mul = pw * qz + px * qy - py * qx + pz * qw

    return Quaternion(w_mul, x_mul, y_mul, z_mul)

multiply_scaler(self, s)

Multiply each component with a scalar.

NOTE: Do not use this when dealing with unit quaternion, since unit quaterion is not closed under scaling.

NOTE: A new quaternion object is returned as the result. This quaternion is not changed.

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def multiply_scaler(self, s):
    Multiply each component with a scalar.

    NOTE: Do not use this when dealing with unit quaternion, since unit
    quaterion is not closed under scaling.

    NOTE: A new quaternion object is returned as the result. This 
    quaternion is not changed.


    return Quaternion(self.w * s, self.x * s, self.y * s, self.z * s)


Return the norm of this quaternion.

Notation: |q| is q.norm()

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def norm(self):
    Return the norm of this quaternion.

    Notation: |q| is q.norm()

    w = self.w
    x = self.x
    y = self.y
    z = self.z

    return sqrt(w * w + x * x + y * y + z * z)


Return a normalized unit quaternion based on this quaternion.

NOTE: A new quaternion object is returned as the result. This quaternion is not changed.

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def normalize(self):
    Return a normalized unit quaternion based on this quaternion.

    NOTE: A new quaternion object is returned as the result. This 
    quaternion is not changed.

    n = self.norm()

    w = self.w / n
    x = self.x / n
    y = self.y / n
    z = self.z / n

    return Quaternion(w, x, y, z)

quaternion_to_angle_axis(w, x, y, z) staticmethod

Convert a unit quaternion representation of a 3D rotation to angle-axis representation. This is essentially the logrithmic map.

This function is only for internal usage. Please use the following instead when it is needed to do this conversion.

u = q.to_angle_axis(u)
Source code in code_fmkit/
def quaternion_to_angle_axis(w, x, y, z):
    Convert a unit quaternion representation of a 3D rotation to 
    angle-axis representation. This is essentially the logrithmic map.

    This function is only for internal usage. Please use the following 
    instead when it is needed to do this conversion.

        u = q.to_angle_axis(u)


    v_norm = sqrt(x * x + y * y + z * z)

    if v_norm < EPSILON:

        ux = 0
        uy = 0
        uz = 0


        angle = 2 * atan2(v_norm, w)

        ux = x * (angle / v_norm)
        uy = y * (angle / v_norm)
        uz = z * (angle / v_norm)

    u = np.asarray((ux, uy, uz))

    return u

quaternion_to_rotation_matrix(w, x, y, z) staticmethod

Convert a unit quaternion to a rotation matrix.

This function is only for internal usage. Please use the following instead when it is needed to do this conversion.

R = q.to_rotation_matrix()
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def quaternion_to_rotation_matrix(w, x, y, z):
    Convert a unit quaternion to a rotation matrix.

    This function is only for internal usage. Please use the following 
    instead when it is needed to do this conversion.

        R = q.to_rotation_matrix()


    w2 = w * w
    x2 = x * x
    y2 = y * y
    z2 = z * z

    # Check the norm of the quaternion! It must be a unit quaternion!
    assert fabs(w2 + x2 + y2 + z2 - 1) < 1e-6

    wx = 2 * w * x
    wy = 2 * w * y
    wz = 2 * w * z

    xy = 2 * x * y
    xz = 2 * x * z
    yz = 2 * y * z

    R = np.asarray((
        ( w2 + x2 - y2 - z2,   xy - wz,             xz + wy           ),
        ( xy + wz,             w2 - x2 + y2 - z2,   yz - wx           ),
        ( xz - wy,             yz + wx,             w2 - x2 - y2 + z2 )

    return R

rotate_a_point(self, p)

Rotate a single 3D point based on this quaternion. The input point is a numpy array of three element.

Internally, it is converted to a vector v = (0, x, y, z) and use the following equation.

v' = q x v x q*

where x is quaternion multiplication.

The implementation uses the following matrix-based method,

q x v x p = (q x v) x p = p_R * q_L * v = q x (v x p) = q_L * p_R * v

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def rotate_a_point(self, p):
    Rotate a single 3D point based on this quaternion. The input point is
    a numpy array of three element. 

    Internally, it is converted to a vector v = (0, x, y, z) and use the 
    following equation.

    v' = q x v x q*

    where x is quaternion multiplication.

    The implementation uses the following matrix-based method,

    q x v x p = (q x v) x p = p_R * q_L * v
              = q x (v x p) = q_L * p_R * v


    q_L = self.to_left_matrix()
    qc_R = self.conjugate().to_right_matrix()

    v = np.asarray((0, p[0], p[1], p[2])).reshape((4, 1))

    r = np.matmul(qc_R, np.matmul(q_L, v))

    return np.asarray((r[1], r[2], r[3])).reshape(3)

rotate_points(self, ps)

Rotate an array of points. The input points are a numpy 3-by-n matrix, where each point is a column.

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def rotate_points(self, ps):
    Rotate an array of points. The input points are a numpy 3-by-n matrix, 
    where each point is a column.


    q_L = self.to_left_matrix()
    qc_R = self.conjugate().to_right_matrix()

    vs = np.zeros((4, ps.shape[1]), ps.dtype)
    vs[1:4, :] = ps
    rs = np.matmul(qc_R, np.matmul(q_L, vs))

    return rs[1:4, :]

rotation_matrix_to_quaternion(R) staticmethod

Convert a rotation matrix to a unit quaternion.

This uses the Shepperd’s method for numerical stabilty.

This function is only for internal usage. Please use the following instead when it is needed to do this conversion.

q = Quaternion.construct_from_rotation_matrix(R)
Source code in code_fmkit/
def rotation_matrix_to_quaternion(R):
    Convert a rotation matrix to a unit quaternion.

    This uses the Shepperd’s method for numerical stabilty.

    This function is only for internal usage. Please use the following 
    instead when it is needed to do this conversion.

        q = Quaternion.construct_from_rotation_matrix(R)


    # The rotation matrix must be orthonormal

    assert np.allclose(, R.transpose()), np.eye(3), 

    # Check the determinant of R! It must be 1.
    assert math.isclose(np.linalg.det(R), 1, abs_tol=EPSILON)

    w2 = (1 + R[0, 0] + R[1, 1] + R[2, 2])
    x2 = (1 + R[0, 0] - R[1, 1] - R[2, 2])
    y2 = (1 - R[0, 0] + R[1, 1] - R[2, 2])
    z2 = (1 - R[0, 0] - R[1, 1] + R[2, 2])

    yz = (R[1, 2] + R[2, 1])
    xz = (R[2, 0] + R[0, 2])
    xy = (R[0, 1] + R[1, 0])

    wx = (R[2, 1] - R[1, 2])
    wy = (R[0, 2] - R[2, 0])
    wz = (R[1, 0] - R[0, 1])

    if R[2, 2] < 0:

        if R[0, 0] > R[1, 1]:

            x = sqrt(x2)
            w = wx / x
            y = xy / x
            z = xz / x


            y = sqrt(y2)
            w = wy / y
            x = xy / y
            z = yz / y


        if R[0, 0] < -R[1, 1]:

            z = sqrt(z2)
            w = wz / z
            x = xz / z
            y = yz / z


            w = sqrt(w2)
            x = wx / w
            y = wy / w
            z = wz / w

    w = w * 0.5
    x = x * 0.5
    y = y * 0.5
    z = z * 0.5

    return w, x, y, z

subtract_quaternion(self, q)

Quaternion subtraction.

NOTE: Do not use this when dealing with unit quaternion, since unit quaterion is not closed under addition.

NOTE: A new quaternion object is returned as the result. This quaternion is not changed.

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def subtract_quaternion(self, q):
    Quaternion subtraction.

    NOTE: Do not use this when dealing with unit quaternion, since unit
    quaterion is not closed under addition.

    NOTE: A new quaternion object is returned as the result. This 
    quaternion is not changed.


    w_sub = self.w - q.w
    x_sub = self.x - q.x
    y_sub = self.y - q.y
    z_sub = self.z - q.z

    return Quaternion(w_sub, x_sub, y_sub, z_sub)


Convert this quaternion to angle-axis representation of rotation.

This is the reverse of construct_from_angle_axis()

This is essentially the logarithmic map.

See Joan Solà, "Quaternion Kinematics", section 2.4, eqation (106).

CAUTION: This must be a unit quaternion!

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def to_angle_axis(self):
    Convert this quaternion to angle-axis representation of rotation.

    This is the reverse of construct_from_angle_axis()

    This is essentially the logarithmic map.

    See Joan Solà, "Quaternion Kinematics", section 2.4, eqation (106).

    CAUTION: This must be a unit quaternion!


    assert (fabs(self.norm() - 1) < EPSILON)

    w = self.w
    x = self.x
    y = self.y
    z = self.z

    return self.quaternion_to_angle_axis(w, x, y, z)


Return the left matrix of this quaternion.

Notation: p_L = p.to_left_matrix()

p x q = p_L * q, where "*" is matrix multiplication, and q can be considered as a 4 by 1 matrix.

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def to_left_matrix(self):
    Return the left matrix of this quaternion.

    Notation: p_L = p.to_left_matrix()

    p x q = p_L * q, where "*" is matrix multiplication, and q can be
    considered as a 4 by 1 matrix.

    w = self.w
    x = self.x
    y = self.y
    z = self.z

    M = np.asarray((
        ( w, -x, -y, -z ),
        ( x,  w, -z,  y ),
        ( y,  z,  w, -x ),
        ( z, -y,  x,  w )

    return M


Return the right matrix of this quaternion.

Notation: q_R is q.to_right_matrix()

p x q = q_R * p, where "*" is matrix multiplication, and q is considered as a 4 by 1 matrix.

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def to_right_matrix(self):
    Return the right matrix of this quaternion.

    Notation: q_R is q.to_right_matrix()

    p x q = q_R * p, where "*" is matrix multiplication, and q is
    considered as a 4 by 1 matrix.


    w = self.w
    x = self.x
    y = self.y
    z = self.z

    M = np.asarray((
        ( w, -x, -y, -z ),
        ( x,  w,  z, -y ),
        ( y, -z,  w,  x ),
        ( z,  y, -x,  w )

    return M


Convert this unit quaternion to a rotation matrix.

CAUTION: This must be a unit quaternion!

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def to_rotation_matrix(self):
    Convert this unit quaternion to a rotation matrix.

    CAUTION: This must be a unit quaternion!


    assert (fabs(self.norm() - 1) < EPSILON)

    w = self.w
    x = self.x
    y = self.y
    z = self.z

    return self.quaternion_to_rotation_matrix(w, x, y, z)

alt_azimuth_to_axis(alt_degree, azimuth_degree)

Calculate an axis represented by a unit vector using alt and azimuth angles.

NOTE: alt and azimuth are in degree, not radian. The output axis is always a unit vector.

Source code in code_fmkit/
def alt_azimuth_to_axis(alt_degree, azimuth_degree):
    Calculate an axis represented by a unit vector using alt and azimuth 

    NOTE: alt and azimuth are in degree, not radian. The output axis
    is always a unit vector.

    alt_radian = alt_degree * np.pi / 180
    azimuth_radian = azimuth_degree * np.pi / 180

    ux = cos(alt_radian) * cos(azimuth_radian)
    uy = cos(alt_radian) * sin(azimuth_radian)
    uz = sin(alt_radian)

    u = np.asarray((ux, uy, uz))
    u = u / np.linalg.norm(u)

    return u


Convert angle-axis representation of rotation to a rotation matrix, using the Rodrigues formula.

CAUTION: For numerical stability, small angle rotations are considered as no rotation (i.e., if angle < 1e-6 radian, angle is considered as zero).

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def angle_axis_to_rotation_matrix(u):
    Convert angle-axis representation of rotation to a rotation matrix, using
    the Rodrigues formula.

    CAUTION: For numerical stability, small angle rotations are considered
    as no rotation (i.e., if angle < 1e-6 radian, angle is considered as zero).

    angle = np.linalg.norm(u)

    I = np.identity(3)

    if angle < EPSILON:

        return I


        # normalize the axis vector
        u = u / np.linalg.norm(u)

        ux = vector_to_skew_symmetric_matrix(u)

        uut = np.matmul(u.reshape((3, 1)), u.reshape(1, 3))

        R = I * cos(angle) + ux * sin(angle) + uut * (1 - cos(angle))

        return R


Calculate the alt and azimuth angles from an axis vector "u".

NOTE: alt and azimuth are in degree, not radian.

CAUTION: In the degenerated case, where the norm of the vector u is zero, i.e., the vector u is pointting to the z-axis or the opposite of the z-axis, the output alt is set to plus/minus 90 degrees and the azimuth to zero degrees.

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def axis_to_alt_azimuth(u):
    Calculate the alt and azimuth angles from an axis vector "u".

    NOTE: alt and azimuth are in degree, not radian.

    CAUTION: In the degenerated case, where the norm of the vector u is zero,
    i.e., the vector u is pointting to the z-axis or the opposite of the 
    z-axis, the output alt is set to plus/minus 90 degrees and the azimuth to
    zero degrees.


    u_norm = np.linalg.norm(u)

    if fabs(fabs(u_norm) - 1) < EPSILON:

        degenerated = True

        alt = 90
        azimuth = 0

        gimbal_lock = False


        degenerated = False

        u = u / u_norm

        if fabs(u[2] - 1) < EPSILON:

            # CAUTION: if u is pointing to the z-axis, the result is degenerated,
            # i.e., azimuth is undefined.

            alt = 90
            azimuth = 0

            gimbal_lock = True

        elif fabs(u[2] + 1) < EPSILON:

            # Similarly, if u is pointing to the opposite of the z-axis, azimuth is
            # also undefined.

            alt = -90
            azimuth = 0

            gimbal_lock = True


            alt = asin(u[2])

            c = cos(alt)

            dx = u[0] / c
            dy = u[1] / c

            azimuth = atan2(dy, dx)

            alt = alt * 180 / pi
            azimuth = azimuth * 180 / pi

            gimbal_lock = False

    return alt, azimuth, gimbal_lock, degenerated

euler_zyx_to_rotation_matrix(z, y, x)

Converting a rotation represented by three Euler angles (z-y'-x") to rotation matrix represenation, i.e., using the following,

R = R_z * R_y * R_x


R_z             = [ cos(z)     -sin(z)        0       ]
                  [ sin(z)     cos(z)         0       ]
                  [ 0            0            1       ]

R_y             = [ cos(y)       0            sin(y)  ]
                  [ 0            1            0       ]
                  [ -sin(y)      0            cos(y)  ]

R_x             = [ 1            0            0       ]
                  [ 0            cos(x)       -sin(x) ]
                  [ 0            sin(x)       cos(x)  ]

Also, the angles are named as following,

z - yaw (psi)
y - pitch (theta)
x - roll (phi)

These angles are also called Tait-Bryan angles, and we use the z-y'-x" intrinsic convention. See this for the conventions:–Bryan_angles

Also see this for the conversion between different representations:

Caution: The three input angles are in radian!

Source code in code_fmkit/
def euler_zyx_to_rotation_matrix(z, y, x):
    Converting a rotation represented by three Euler angles (z-y'-x") to
    rotation matrix represenation, i.e., using the following,

        R = R_z * R_y * R_x


        R_z             = [ cos(z)     -sin(z)        0       ]
                          [ sin(z)     cos(z)         0       ]
                          [ 0            0            1       ]

        R_y             = [ cos(y)       0            sin(y)  ]
                          [ 0            1            0       ]
                          [ -sin(y)      0            cos(y)  ]

        R_x             = [ 1            0            0       ]
                          [ 0            cos(x)       -sin(x) ]
                          [ 0            sin(x)       cos(x)  ]

    Also, the angles are named as following,

        z - yaw (psi)
        y - pitch (theta)
        x - roll (phi)

    These angles are also called Tait-Bryan angles, and we use the z-y'-x"
    intrinsic convention. See this for the conventions:–Bryan_angles

    Also see this for the conversion between different representations:

    Caution: The three input angles are in radian!


    sz = np.sin(z)
    cz = np.cos(z)
    sy = np.sin(y)
    cy = np.cos(y)
    sx = np.sin(x)
    cx = np.cos(x)

    a11 = cz * cy
    a12 = cz * sy * sx - cx * sz
    a13 = sz * sx + cz * cx * sy
    a21 = cy * sz
    a22 = cz * cx + sz * sy * sx
    a23 = cx * sz * sy - cz * sx
    a31 = -sy
    a32 = cy * sx
    a33 = cy * cx

    R = np.asarray([[a11, a12, a13], [a21, a22, a23], [a31, a32, a33]])

    return R


Normalize a rotation matrix with SVD, i.e., using the following step.

u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(R)

return np.matmul(u, vh)
Source code in code_fmkit/
def normalize_rotation_matrix(R):
    Normalize a rotation matrix with SVD, i.e., using the following step.

        u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(R)

        return np.matmul(u, vh)


    u, s, vh = np.linalg.svd(R)
    del s

    return np.matmul(u, vh)

orthonormal_basis_from_two_vectors(v1, v2, v1_default, v2_default)

Construct three orthonormal basis vectors from arbitrary two vectors. The output orthonormal basis (u1, u2, u3) has the following properties.

(1) The vector u1 is in the direction of v1. If v1 is all zero, v1_default is used instead.

(2) The vector u2 is in the same plane spanned by v1 and v2, and u2 is perpendicular to v1, i.e., their dot product is zero. If v2 is all zero or if v2 has the same direction as v1, v2_default is used instead.

(3) The vector u3 is perpendicular to the plane spanned by v1 and v2.

Source code in code_fmkit/
def orthonormal_basis_from_two_vectors(v1, v2, v1_default, v2_default):
    Construct three orthonormal basis vectors from arbitrary two vectors.
    The output orthonormal basis (u1, u2, u3) has the following properties.

    (1) The vector u1 is in the direction of v1. If v1 is all zero, v1_default
    is used instead.

    (2) The vector u2 is in the same plane spanned by v1 and v2, and u2 is
    perpendicular to v1, i.e., their dot product is zero. If v2 is all zero
    or if v2 has the same direction as v1, v2_default is used instead.

    (3) The vector u3 is perpendicular to the plane spanned by v1 and v2.

    n1 = np.linalg.norm(v1)
    n2 = np.linalg.norm(v2)
    v3 = np.cross(v1, v2)
    n3 = np.linalg.norm(v3)

    if fabs(n1) < EPSILON:

        v1 = v1_default

    if fabs(n2) < EPSILON or fabs(n3) < EPSILON:

        v2 = v2_default

    u1 = v1 / np.linalg.norm(v1)
    v3 = np.cross(u1, v2)
    u3 = v3 / np.linalg.norm(v3)
    v2 = np.cross(u3, u1)
    u2 = v2 / np.linalg.norm(v2)

    return u1, u2, u3

rotate_a_point_by_angle_axis(p, u)

Rotate a point "p" along the axis "u" by an angle which is the norm of "u". Both "p" and "u" are numpy arrays of three elements.

CAUTION: For numerical stability, small angle rotations are considered as no rotation (i.e., if angle < 1e-6 radian, angle is considered as zero).

Source code in code_fmkit/
def rotate_a_point_by_angle_axis(p, u):
    Rotate a point "p" along the axis "u" by an angle which is the norm of "u".
    Both "p" and "u" are numpy arrays of three elements.

    CAUTION: For numerical stability, small angle rotations are considered
    as no rotation (i.e., if angle < 1e-6 radian, angle is considered as zero).


    angle = np.linalg.norm(u)

    if fabs(angle) < EPSILON:

        return p


        # normalize the axis vector
        u = u / np.linalg.norm(u)

        pp =, u) * u
        pv = p - pp

        u_x_cross = np.cross(u, p)

        rp = pp + pv * np.cos(angle) + u_x_cross * np.sin(angle)

        return rp

rotate_a_point_by_rotation_matrix(R, p)

Rotate a point "p" by a rotation matrix "R". "p" must be a numpy array of three elements. "R" must be a numpy 3-by-3 matrix. The result is a numpy array of three elements, same as the input "p".

CAUTION: This function does not validate whether R is really a rotation matrix. It just do the following operations.

rp = np.matmul(R, p.reshape(3, 1))

return rp.flatten()
Source code in code_fmkit/
def rotate_a_point_by_rotation_matrix(R, p):
    Rotate a point "p" by a rotation matrix "R". "p" must be a numpy array
    of three elements. "R" must be a numpy 3-by-3 matrix. The result is a
    numpy array of three elements, same as the input "p".

    CAUTION: This function does not validate whether R is really a rotation
    matrix. It just do the following operations.

        rp = np.matmul(R, p.reshape(3, 1))

        return rp.flatten()

    rp = np.matmul(R, p.reshape(3, 1))

    return rp.flatten()

rotate_points_by_angle_axis(ps, u)

Rotate points "ps" along the axis "u" by an angle which is the norm of "u". "ps" must a numpy 3-by-n array, and u must a numpy array of three elements.

CAUTION: For numerical stability, small angle rotations are considered as no rotation (i.e., if angle < 1e-6 radian, angle is considered as zero).

CAUTION: The input "ps" is now an array of vectors, where each vector is a column.

Source code in code_fmkit/
def rotate_points_by_angle_axis(ps, u):
    Rotate points "ps" along the axis "u" by an angle which is the norm of "u".
    "ps" must a numpy 3-by-n array, and u must a numpy array of three elements.

    CAUTION: For numerical stability, small angle rotations are considered
    as no rotation (i.e., if angle < 1e-6 radian, angle is considered as zero).

    CAUTION: The input "ps" is now an array of vectors, where each vector is a


    angle = np.linalg.norm(u)

    if fabs(angle) < EPSILON:

        return ps


        # normalize the axis vector
        u = u / np.linalg.norm(u)

        u = u.reshape((3, 1))

        # CAUTION: since ps is an array of vectors, pp should be the dot
        # product of each vector with u to obtain an array of scalars, then
        # multiply each scalar with u to form an array of vectors.
        pp = np.matmul(u, np.matmul(u.T, ps))
        pv = ps - pp

        # CAUTION: numpy uses the last axis to define vectors in the cross 
        # product with arrays of vectors
        u_x_cross = np.cross(u.T, ps.T).T

        rps = pp + pv * np.cos(angle) + u_x_cross * np.sin(angle)

        return rps

rotate_points_by_rotation_matrix(R, ps)

Rotate points array "ps" by a rotation matrix "R". "ps" must be a numpy 3-by-n matrix where. "R" must be a numpy 3-by-3 matrix. The result is a numpy 3-by-n matrix, same as the input "ps".

CAUTION: This function does not validate whether R is really a rotation matrix. It just do the following operations.

rps = np.matmul(R, ps)

return rps
Source code in code_fmkit/
def rotate_points_by_rotation_matrix(R, ps):
    Rotate points array "ps" by a rotation matrix "R". "ps" must be a numpy 
    3-by-n matrix where. "R" must be a numpy 3-by-3 matrix. The result is
    a numpy 3-by-n matrix, same as the input "ps".

    CAUTION: This function does not validate whether R is really a rotation
    matrix. It just do the following operations.

        rps = np.matmul(R, ps)

        return rps


    rps = np.matmul(R, ps)

    return rps

rotation_matrix_from_orthonormal_basis(ux, uy, uz)

Construct a 3-by-3 rotation matrix from a set of orthonormal basis vectors.

Source code in code_fmkit/
def rotation_matrix_from_orthonormal_basis(ux, uy, uz):
    Construct a 3-by-3 rotation matrix from a set of orthonormal basis vectors.


    R = np.zeros((3, 3))
    R[:, 0] = ux
    R[:, 1] = uy
    R[:, 2] = uz

    return R

rotation_matrix_from_xy(x, y)

Construct three orthonormal basis, i.e., the rotation matrix, based on two vectors, where one of them is the x-axis and the other is the y-axis. The z-axis is chosen accordingly.

The x-axis is always preserved, and if the y-axis is not perpendicular to the x-axis, its projection on the YOZ plane defined by the x-axis will be the y-axis.

NOTE: If the vector x has zero length, it is a degenerated case and it is set to (1, 0, 0)

NOTE: If the vector y has zero length or if the vector y is in the same direction of the vector x, it is a degenerated case and the vector y is set to (0, 1, 0).

CAUTION: No warning or exception is generated in the degenerated case!

Source code in code_fmkit/
def rotation_matrix_from_xy(x, y):
    Construct three orthonormal basis, i.e., the rotation matrix, based on 
    two vectors, where one of them is the x-axis and the other is the y-axis.
    The z-axis is chosen accordingly.

    The x-axis is always preserved, and if the y-axis is not perpendicular to
    the x-axis, its projection on the YOZ plane defined by the x-axis will be
    the y-axis.

    NOTE: If the vector x has zero length, it is a degenerated case and it is 
    set to (1, 0, 0)

    NOTE: If the vector y has zero length or if the vector y is in the same
    direction of the vector x, it is a degenerated case and the vector y is
    set to (0, 1, 0).

    CAUTION: No warning or exception is generated in the degenerated case!


    v1 = x
    v2 = y
    v1_default = np.asarray((1, 0, 0))
    v2_default = np.asarray((0, 1, 0))
    u1, u2, u3 = orthonormal_basis_from_two_vectors(v1, v2, 
                                                    v1_default, v2_default)

    R = rotation_matrix_from_orthonormal_basis(u1, u2, u3)

    return R

rotation_matrix_from_yz(y, z)

Construct three orthonormal basis, i.e., the rotation matrix, based on two vectors, where one of them is the y-axis and the other is the z-axis. The x-axis is chosen accordingly.

The y-axis is always preserved, and if the z-axis is not perpendicular to the y-axis, its projection on the ZOX plane defined by the y-axis will be the z-axis.

NOTE: If the vector y has zero length, it is a degenerated case and it is set to (0, 1, 0)

NOTE: If the vector z has zero length or if the vector z is in the same direction of the vector y, it is a degenerated case and the vector z is set to (0, 0, 1).

CAUTION: No warning or exception is generated in the degenerated case!

Source code in code_fmkit/
def rotation_matrix_from_yz(y, z):
    Construct three orthonormal basis, i.e., the rotation matrix, based on 
    two vectors, where one of them is the y-axis and the other is the z-axis.
    The x-axis is chosen accordingly.

    The y-axis is always preserved, and if the z-axis is not perpendicular to
    the y-axis, its projection on the ZOX plane defined by the y-axis will be
    the z-axis.

    NOTE: If the vector y has zero length, it is a degenerated case and it is 
    set to (0, 1, 0)

    NOTE: If the vector z has zero length or if the vector z is in the same
    direction of the vector y, it is a degenerated case and the vector z is
    set to (0, 0, 1).

    CAUTION: No warning or exception is generated in the degenerated case!


    v1 = y
    v2 = z
    v1_default = np.asarray((0, 1, 0))
    v2_default = np.asarray((0, 0, 1))
    u1, u2, u3 = orthonormal_basis_from_two_vectors(v1, v2, 
                                                    v1_default, v2_default)

    R = rotation_matrix_from_orthonormal_basis(u3, u1, u2)

    return R

rotation_matrix_from_zx(z, x)

Construct three orthonormal basis, i.e., the rotation matrix, based on two vectors, where one of them is the y-axis and the other is the z-axis. The x-axis is chosen accordingly.

The y-axis is always preserved, and if the z-axis is not perpendicular to the y-axis, its projection on the ZOX plane defined by the y-axis will be the z-axis.

NOTE: If the vector y has zero length, it is a degenerated case and it is set to (0, 1, 0)

NOTE: If the vector z has zero length or if the vector z is in the same direction of the vector y, it is a degenerated case and the vector z is set to (0, 0, 1).

CAUTION: No warning or exception is generated in the degenerated case!

Source code in code_fmkit/
def rotation_matrix_from_zx(z, x):
    Construct three orthonormal basis, i.e., the rotation matrix, based on 
    two vectors, where one of them is the y-axis and the other is the z-axis.
    The x-axis is chosen accordingly.

    The y-axis is always preserved, and if the z-axis is not perpendicular to
    the y-axis, its projection on the ZOX plane defined by the y-axis will be
    the z-axis.

    NOTE: If the vector y has zero length, it is a degenerated case and it is 
    set to (0, 1, 0)

    NOTE: If the vector z has zero length or if the vector z is in the same
    direction of the vector y, it is a degenerated case and the vector z is
    set to (0, 0, 1).

    CAUTION: No warning or exception is generated in the degenerated case!


    v1 = z
    v2 = x
    v1_default = np.asarray((0, 0, 1))
    v2_default = np.asarray((1, 0, 0))
    u1, u2, u3 = orthonormal_basis_from_two_vectors(v1, v2, 
                                                    v1_default, v2_default)

    R = rotation_matrix_from_orthonormal_basis(u2, u3, u1)

    return R


Convert a rotation matrix to an angle-axis representation.

NOTE: The returned rotation angle is between 0 and pi.

CAUTION: For numerical stability, small angle rotations are considered as no rotation.

CAUTION: In the degenerated case, where the rotation angle is zero, the axis is set to (0, 0, 1), i.e., the z-axis.

Source code in code_fmkit/
def rotation_matrix_to_angle_axis(R):
    Convert a rotation matrix to an angle-axis representation.

    NOTE: The returned rotation angle is between 0 and pi.

    CAUTION: For numerical stability, small angle rotations are considered
    as no rotation.

    CAUTION: In the degenerated case, where the rotation angle is zero, the
    axis is set to (0, 0, 1), i.e., the z-axis.


    # TODO: this might be buggy!!!

    # Check the determinant of R! It must be 1.
    assert fabs(np.linalg.det(R) - 1) < EPSILON
    assert np.allclose(np.matmul(R, R.T), np.identity(3), atol=EPSILON)

    if np.allclose(R, np.identity(3)):

        u = np.asarray((0, 0, 0))


        angle = acos((np.trace(R) - 1) / 2)

        s = 2 * sin(angle)

        x = (R[2, 1] - R[1, 2]) / s
        y = (R[0, 2] - R[2, 0]) / s
        z = (R[1, 0] - R[0, 1]) / s

        u = np.asarray((x, y, z))
        u = u / np.linalg.norm(u)
        u = u * angle

    return u


Converting a rotation represented by three Euler angles (z-y'-x") to rotation matrix represenation.

CAUTION: Euler angles have a singularity when pitch = pi / 2 or - pi / 2, i.e., gimbal lock. In this case, yaw and roll angles can not be determined uniquely, and this function always return a zero yaw angle.

Source code in code_fmkit/
def rotation_matrix_to_euler_angles_zyx(R):
    Converting a rotation represented by three Euler angles (z-y'-x") to
    rotation matrix represenation.

    CAUTION: Euler angles have a singularity when pitch = pi / 2 or - pi / 2, 
    i.e., gimbal lock. In this case, yaw and roll angles can not be determined
    uniquely, and this function always return a zero yaw angle.


    if fabs(fabs(R[2, 0]) - 1) < EPSILON:

        # cos(y) != 0, gimbal lock

        # CAUTION: y is always pi/2, and z is always 0
        y = copysign(pi / 2, -R[2, 0])

        x = 0
        z = atan2(R[0, 1], R[0, 2])

        gimbal_lock = True

        #print('gimbal lock!!!')


        # cos(y) == 0, normal situation

        # CAUTION: y is always in [-pi/2, pi/2]
        y = -asin(R[2, 0])
        cy = cos(y)
        x = atan2(R[2, 1] / cy, R[2, 2] / cy)
        z = atan2(R[1, 0] / cy, R[0, 0] / cy)

        gimbal_lock = False

    return z, y, x, gimbal_lock


Return the vector that corresponds to the skew matrix M.


m = [  0, -z,  y ]
    [  z,  0, -x ]
    [ -y,  x,  0 ]


v = (x, y, z)

CAUTION: this function does not check whether the matrix is really a skew symmetric matrix! It assumes the input is correct! The input must be a numpy 3-by-3 matrix!

Source code in code_fmkit/
def skew_symmetric_matrix_to_vector(M):
    Return the vector that corresponds to the skew matrix M.


        m = [  0, -z,  y ]
            [  z,  0, -x ]
            [ -y,  x,  0 ]


        v = (x, y, z)

    CAUTION: this function does not check whether the matrix is really a skew
    symmetric matrix! It assumes the input is correct! The input must be a
    numpy 3-by-3 matrix!


    x = M[2, 1]
    y = M[0, 2]
    z = M[1, 0]

    return np.asarray((x, y, z))


Return the skew matrix M constructed by vector v, i.e.,


v = (x, y, z)


M = [  0, -z,  y ]
    [  z,  0, -x ]
    [ -y,  x,  0 ]
Source code in code_fmkit/
def vector_to_skew_symmetric_matrix(v):
    Return the skew matrix M constructed by vector v, i.e.,


        v = (x, y, z)


        M = [  0, -z,  y ]
            [  z,  0, -x ]
            [ -y,  x,  0 ]


    x = v[0]
    y = v[1]
    z = v[2]

    M = np.asarray((
        (  0, -z,  y ),
        (  z,  0, -x ),
        ( -y,  x,  0 )

    return M